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Organizacion Autentica

Kill Castro

by David L. Rosenthal

The Son of Satan walks the Earth, lately with some difficulty, but still he walks and still he orders death, destruction, slavery, degradation, tortures, impoverishment, starvation, disease, revolution, chaos, and war to march across the Earth. He was born in Cuba, but that was only a coincidence of circumstance. He was born the Son and Servant of the Devil and faithfully he fulfills all the abominable duties toward his spiritual father in the depths. Pathetic, broken humanity is his ghastly playground.

Born in 1926, he became a follower of Hitler and protégé of the Soviets in his youth. In 1948 he began to practice his pleasures of devastation in Colombia, where he participated in the explosion of violence that still tears apart that hopelessly divided nation. After some polishing of methods, he set out for home and from there has introduced a reign of terror that has plagued the world for the last half century.

A truly evil and repugnant man, if man he is, and yet he seems to enjoy an otherworldly protection that allows him to continue to devastate Cuba and export revolution and misery. Who really knows why he is allowed to remain alive? Any of the possible reasons seems as horrible as any of the others.

It is now well past the time when he should have been eliminated. Anyone who achieves this must certainly carry out a godly mission, a humanitarian task almost without equal, short of what Christ achieved by dying.

Castro must die in order to remove the cornerstone that supports the demonic regime that bears his name, the name that is responsible for as much suffering as Mao, Hitler, Stalin, or any other. Castro must die in order to pave the way for positive change in Cuba and America. And all his closest supporters, who agree with him that no reforms or concessions could be permitted, no changes to the "socialist" (totalitarian) system that enslaves Cuba and terrorizes the world, must be permanently removed from power or access to power.

This is a step without which no other could provide relief for the Cuban people, and from the perilous destabilization of the Americas that must lead to widespread war. Castro must die, The Castro regime must cease to exist. Its chiefs must disappear from the political map.

This must take priority over the particular interests of anyone or any group: Castro must die. No one who protects him could be considered anything but an enemy of humanity. No government who supports him could be considered a legitimate government.

David L. Rosenthal

Courtesy of Chachi Novellas Bengochea


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Organización Auténtica