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Gran amigo de los cubanos

Commander Harold Feeney, U.S. Navey (ret.) sirvió en el Servicio de Inteligencia de la Marina, a veces prestando servicios al CIA y DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), donde fue Jefe del Departamento Cuba durante la "crisis de los misiles" en Cuba (1962). Fue Jefe de Inteligencia de la Base Naval de Guantánamo.

Sirvió como Oficial de U.S. Navy Intelligence en varios países de Europa y la América Latina. Fue Agregado Naval en la Embajada Americana en París y diez años más tarde Jefe de la Sección de Planes de Inteligencia de SHAPE (Cuartel General Supremo de los Poderes Aliados en Europa (OTAN) en París.

Sirvió en el Departamento de Inteligencia del Ejército durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después fue profesor de idiomas en la Universidad de Pennsylvania y Universidad de Southern California. En 1949-50 trabajó por el Departamento de Estado en el Ecuador como Director del Centro Ecuatoriano-Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales.

Commander Feeney habla ocho idiomas (inclusive el Chino Mandarín). Es miembro de la Asociación de Veteranos de Misiones Especiales y Miembro de Honor de la Brigada de Asalto 2506.

Revista Girón
Órgano Oficial de la Asociación de Combatientes de Bahía de Cochinos
Brigada 2506

Castro Develops Deadly Biological Weapons

These days a small country led by a malevolent dictator can do a lot of damage. Aided by both Russia and Communist China, Fidel Castro is developing sophisticated biological weapons on a large scale and using communications technology for espionage and interference with U.S. Air Traffic Control.

Mass killing poses no moral problem for Castro. Let us not forget that in 1962 he begged Kruschev to fire Soviet nuclear missiles based in Cuba at the United States. Such an irresponsible act could have wiped out vast populations in U.S. metropolitan areas. Our response to the attack would also have devastated the Cuban people. He has executed over 10,000 dissidents and hundreds of thousands have languished in his 130 political prisons under cruel conditions. But Castro's ego is perhaps even larger than that of Saddam Hussein. He would not mind going down "in a blaze of glory", taking millions with him, to be remembered in history as a "fearless leader."

Not much information has been released by the U.S. Government regarding Castro's production of biological weapons 90 miles from our shores -perhaps so as not to interfere with the current Administration's proffers to Castro of good relationships.

However, in May 1998 Secretary of Defense William Cohen testified in Congress that Cuba possesses advanced biotechnology and is capable of mass-producing agents for biological warfare.

Former Deputy Chief of the ex-Soviet Union's biological warfare program. Colonel Ken Alibek, revealed recently to the CIA that, concealed in Cuba's medical research complex, Castro is carrying out a sophisticated program for high-capacity production of germ warfare agents during the last few years. Dr. Alibek tells us that Castro's program started in 1981 when former Soviet Premier Brezhnev visited Cuba and promised to help Castro with the technology.

With respect to electronic espionage, Castro's capability, with current aid from communist China, has made great advances. Russia still maintains, and recently upgraded, a remarkable electronic listening post in Cuba near the town of Lourdes. Russia pays Castro $200 million per year for the facility that is capable of eavesdropping on telephone calls in Washington, D.C.

Let us consider this: Almost every country, including the U.S., carries out some espionage on actual or potential enemies or for economic information. What is hard to swallow is the fact that we and our allies are aiding Russia financially, while they, in turn, spend $200 million per year to spy on us from inside Cuba!

The Chinese have also established for themselves a sophisticated network of electronic espionage in Cuba to be used against the U.S. The bases are operating under the cover of Radio China short wave transmissions to Latin America and the U.S. Their principal bases are at Bejucal and near Havana. They are capable of interfering with U.S. air traffic control, according to the FCC. On the 13th of May at 4:48 p.m., the Chinese sent a communication to the air traffic control in New York, falsely identifying themselves as OPEC21, a U.S. Military C130 plane. This is a dangerous game!

We need to keep a close eye on Castro's Cuba. It would be difficult to prevent a tragedy such as his sneaking across our porous border a small container of germs to put in a city reservoir to kill off hundreds of thousands of citizens.

The activities described above have not been reported by any major newspaper that this writer knows of. The Nuevo Herald and personal sources have disclosed the gravity of the situation.

Recently the FBI arrested 12 Castro agents caught spying in the United States, including military installations. Since Castro has no real need for military data, it is quite likely that he is selling that type of information to the Chinese or perhaps Saddam Hussein.

For those who think that our treating Castro sweetly will change him into a freedom-loving democrat, a recent speech by the dictator declared that Communism is still the best system for Cuba, that it would never change, and that elections were not necessary.

It is of course a noble idea to help people everywhere against oppression. But it seem rather strange to go half-way around the world and spend billions of dollars to help a Yugoslav province and completely ignore the people of neighboring Cuba who suffer from lack of freedom under an oppressive and cruel dictator.

God help the Cuban people and help us to keep our eyes open and deal with the real world.


Hal Feeney

(Hal Feeney, a retired intelligence officer, participated in the Bay of Pigs operation and chaired the Naval Intelligence's Cuban branch during the Cuban missile crisis. In 1994, he was awarded the Medal of Valor by the Cuban exile Assault Brigade 2506 in Miami for missions he made inside Cuba after the Bay of Pigs invasion. He lives in Corpus Christi)

Revista Girón
Órgano Oficial de la Asociación de Combatientes de Bahia de Cochinos
Brigada 2506


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Organización Auténtica